Ellesmere's Setup
These are my own custom weakauras for tracking things important Holy Paladin abilities like Wings, HA, Divine Toll, Aura Mastery, etc. Not required but it's definitely helpful!
Holy Power TrackingThis is my custom weakaura for tracking Holy Power, great for if you want a moveable visualization of your Holy Power.
Beacon ReminderEvery holy paladin in the world has realized halfway through a fight that they forgot Beacon of Light at least once. Use a weakaura to prevent this tragedy.
Targeted SpellsThis weakaura will display an icon on your party frames whenever a dangerous spell is being cast on someone. This is essential for any healer who wants to push keys regardless of class, as it keeps you aware of exactly who is being targered by what so you can take preemptive action. This will also draw a red line between you and any mob that is targeting you with a dangerous ability so you can see where you're being targeted from.
Consumables TrackerThis is another weakaura I made that checks whether you have phials, food and runes on in raids/dungeons.
Combat TimerSimple text clock that shows total combat time.