Every holy paladin in the world has realized halfway through a fight that they forgot Beacon of Light at least once. Use a weakaura to prevent this tragedy.
Aura ReminderALWAYS HAVE YOUR AURA SET TO DEVOTION DURING DUNGEONS. It's very easy to forget to swap or activate Devotion Aura at the start of a dungeon, which would be disastrous for pretty much any key difficulty. Use to remind you to set your correct Aura in different content (Devotion for raids/dungeons, Consentration for PvP, and Crusader for World content).
Kyrian Phial ReminderThis will help remind you to refill your Kyrian Phial if you have your covenant ability off cooldown and have run out of Phials. It's important to keep stocked on these at all times!
Holy Power TrackingThis is my custom weakaura for tracking Holy Power, great for if you want a moveable visualization of your holy power.
Holy Paladin CD Ability TrackingThese are my own custom weakauras for tracking things important Holy Paladin abilities like Wings, HA, Divine Toll, Aura Mastery, etc. Not required but it's definitely helpful!
Consumables TrackerThis is another weakaura I made that checks whether you have food, flask, armor kit and weapon oils applied.